Saturday 19 June 2021

First Chausa mangoes of 2021 bought from pushcart seller on 2021-06-19

I am extremely finicky about the looks, texture and taste of mangoes and all fruits that I am willing to savour 😋 

Lyangra, Himsagar and Chausa are my favorite brands of mangoes.  

Locked up at home in Kolkata and generally feeling depressed, the summer of 2021 cheered me up a bit with lots and lots of mangoes, grapes 🍇, watermelons 🍉 and bananas 🍌 bought from pushcart sellers without even having to unlock the collapsible gate of my home. 

Attached with this post is season's first buy of 3 kgs of Chausa mangoes on 2021-06-19 😘 

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