Monday 8 November 2021

Bekar Samiti is the name of a club in Beliaghata, Kolkata

Bekar Samiti 😲
The name of the club says it all.
I wish whole of India could have read and understood what the banner with Ma Kali's image screams!
Members of a local club of unemployable good for nothing people in Kolkata organized their own Kali Puja 2021 with lots of fanfare on 2021-11-04.
Where do they get their money from?
How do they survive when there are no festivals or elections?
The photo speaks terribly of how shamelessly generations of people in West Bengal survive on political patronage. All of these were started by a 'hanikarak' Jyoti Basu and after mid 2011 the situation in WasteB has gone to the dumps!
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How India Travels

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